I still have a bunch of Elyos screenshots to post though. I figure I'd better post what I've got - Elyos & Asmodae both - now so I don't get too mixed up.
At right is my Elyos Spiritmaster. Yeah, I like that hairdo. I don't know why. I think it shows off her haircolor well. Channon suggested that it looks like Princess Leia but... meh, I guess it could. Since I have to stare at the back of her head all the time I picked a 'do that looks nice from the back. Can't say as much for the outfits the characters wear in this game, though.
When Aion first opened, I don't think there were pets. Now there is a multitude of them. Pets actually serve a purpose because they periodically give you gifts, & different pets give different gifts. I haven't really looked into it that much yet, but I will, eventually. Maybe.

Here is my Elyos Spiritmaster checking out that big ass flying whale or whatever it is. There's something kind of trippy about having some humongous fish (yes I know... whales are mammals... but you get my point) gliding through the sky above you while you are playing. Definitely added to the already astonishingly beautiful ambience of this game.
This is one of the entry level mobs we have to kill in the starting zone. Those are yellow flowers that wave in the breeze. Those mobs are actually really cute & it sucked having to kill them. But I did.
This is the lake in the starting area. The Asmodian lake, Lake Tunapre, is actually a lot prettier, which is saying a lot.
Other player watching. It seems like most of the female Elyos characters all get the same anime-like face with the big eyes. It's either that or they look like freaks.
When we started out, I was playing this Asmodian Chanter. I wanted to hit things with sticks.
Since Diablo 3 opened, I went back to Tiamat & rolled an Asmodian Spiritmaster. After a stint of hitting things with sticks, it's actually fun to go back to range casting. Having a pet just makes it easier.
And I started leveling Cooking again. I just love that Cooking station. I love the sounds. lol
And it seems like it's always night time. But everything is still beautiful.
I'm really grateful that Aion is now free to play. I always missed this game & now without having to pay a monthly I don't feel like I HAVE to play, which ironically makes it possible for me to keep playing it. My WoW subscription expires this month.
I don't know if there is now an endgame in Aion, but it's actually just enjoyable to stroll around looking at everything & listening to the background music. When Guild Wars 2 begins, I will probably be very busy with that but I'm glad that I will still be able to afford to keep an Aion subscription so I can at least visit from time to time.
Anyway, back to my Asmodian Spiritmaster. =)
I don't know if there is now an endgame in Aion, but it's actually just enjoyable to stroll around looking at everything & listening to the background music. When Guild Wars 2 begins, I will probably be very busy with that but I'm glad that I will still be able to afford to keep an Aion subscription so I can at least visit from time to time.
Anyway, back to my Asmodian Spiritmaster. =)
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